Video Production in Nepal | Animal products of Nepal shaping national economy

Video Production in Nepal

Nepal has always been called an agricultural or agrarian country. This means agricultural crops are a very large part of the economy of the nation. In fact, agriculture contributes around 27.1 per cent to the gross domestic product (GDP). Agricultural crops provide the country with important staples of the people’s daily lives and also rank top among the major exports made by the country.

Because of this, 15 agricultural products have been listed as national priority agricultural crops by the government. On the list prepared by the Prime Minister’s Agriculture Modernisation Project (PMAMP), there are livestock and animal products also along with other major agricultural crops.

Today, we will give you the list below. The data here refer to the areas of cultivable land for the agricultural crops along with the country’s production capacity for the products as per the figures maintained by the project. The figures here were last updated in the fiscal year 2019/20.

Rice is a staple of almost every Nepali family; it is an everyday meal. Rice is also the primary source of livelihood and income for more than two-thirds of farming households, hence, rice is the most important among all of the agricultural crops in Nepal. 

In a total of 1,491,744 hectares of cultivation, Nepal produces 561,011 metric tonnes of rice. The district which produces the most rice in Nepal is Kanchanpur with 40,323 metric tonnes. Chitwan ranks second with 34,809 metric tonnes. Rice contributes about 20 per cent to the agriculture gross domestic product (AGDP) of the country that equals more than 7 per cent of the total GDP of Nepal.

2. Maize

Maize is also one of the major traditional and agricultural crops of Nepal that is widely used for food, feed, and fodder purposes. This crop has always been in high demand and is growing by 5 per cent annually in the last decade because of its versatility. Maize as a crop is very essential for hill farmers as their cattle also depend on it for nourishment. 

The total cultivated land area for maize production in Nepal is 956,441 hectares, in which 2,713,635 metric tonnes of maize is produced. Maize is the second most important crop in Nepal. The Dhading district is the highest contributor in maize production with 17,973 metric tonnes and Gulmi is second with 8,468 metric tonnes of produce.

3. Wheat

Wheat has been one of the oldest and important agricultural crops in Nepal. This crop is widely used to make staples like bread, biscuits, noodles, pasta and cereals. 

The total cultivable area for wheat production is 703,992 hectares, from which Nepal produces 2,005,665 metric tonnes of wheat. The highest production district is Kailali with 5,390 metric tonnes and followed by Nawalparasi with 2,289 metric tonnes. 

4. Vegetables

Vegetables are very important to Nepali households not only because they provide most of the nourishment people need, but also because they provide an alternative source of income. Vegetable production has been on a sharp rise in recent years because many people found its importance as consumables as well as alternative or main sources of income.

There are many kinds of vegetables produced in Nepal, but in terms of data, they have all been categorised under one common band, except potatoes. The total cultivable land for vegetable production is 297,195 hectares that yield 4,271,270 metric tonnes of produce. The highest contributors of vegetables in Nepal are Dhading with 51,645 metric tonnes and Chitwan with 18,409 metric tonnes. 

Video Production in Nepal

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