Location Scouting in Everest | I could never get this height

 Location Scouting in Everest

KATHMANDU: ‘Failure of your first attempt does not mean you can’t be a winner of great battles; it rather means, you must trigger only when your target is in focus,’ Israelmore Ayivor, Ghana said highlighting the role of determination in life. The lines also best describe the feat and fate of Anish Luitel, 26, hailing from Jhapa, who scaled Mt Everest at his second attempt in 2016. As a scout student from grade 6, Luitel knows very well that challenge and struggle is always a part of Life. “Without struggle, life will not be worth living,” Luitel says. He was fascinated by the mountains of Nepal since early childhood. ‘When I read and listened to the news about foreign Scouters coming to Nepal to climb the peaks of Nepal,’ he recalls, “I felt tempted to have a try on it as well.” So, as a preparation to summit the top of the world, he successfully climbed Island peak in 2014. 

Location Scouting in Everest

Then he headed towards the Everest Base camp in 2015. He was so excited about the idea that in a few days he would be waving the sky and the people down from the top of the world. But, sadly, due to the massive avalanche on Everest that was caused by the devastating earthquake of Apr 25, 2015, he had to abandon his trip. That day he was at Camp II along with other seven members of the expedition. “I was in the dinner tent,” he remembered the day when the avalanche had swept his tent afloat, “All of a sudden the tent started moving as if it was floating on water.” Scared, while he was running out of the tent haphazardly, his Sherpa friends rescued him. “Luckily, I survived and after two days was airlifted to Camp I. Upon arriving at Base Camp I saw many deaths and massive destruction caused by the earthquake,” he narrated in a breathe as if he had come out from it just now, “this sight really disheartened me and I felt my Everest dream collapsing.” The first Everest experience nearly broke him down. But life had to go on, so he continued without much despair. “I again took an active part in volunteering with the scouts and participated in Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award”. Climbing Everest was his dream, how could he give it up so early? Besides, his fellow mates, friends, family members, officials from Nepal scouts and others were there like his backbone to push him on. So, he decided to have the second try. He knew that climbing Everest is a big challenge but due to the experienced Sherpas he was confident that he could overcome all obstacles and was determined that he could do it.

Source : https://english.khabarhub.com/2020/14/81711/


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