Filming in Annapurna | Video: Annapurna Base Camp... On a Bike

In late November, with a sudden three-week break from work and no set plans, I spontaneously booked a flight from Norway to Nepal, eager to bike in the Himalayas. Despite never venturing beyond Europe (except for a border crossing in Turkey), I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as I boarded the plane alone. Arriving in Kathmandu, I discovered it lacked suitable spots for trials riding. Swiftly boarding a bus, I headed to Pokhara, where the biking terrain was better but still not ideal. The next day, I hired a taxi to take me as close to the mountains as possible.

Filming in Annapurna

Alighting from the taxi, I assembled my bike and began climbing a steep staircase. The sweltering heat made the ascent exhausting, especially with a 25 kg backpack filled with unnecessary warm clothing. Despite the temperature being over 20 degrees, I pushed on towards the Annapurna Base Camp, my ultimate destination. Over the next couple of days, I traversed a hot jungle and villages sustained by nature and passing trekkers. Conversations with locals revealed the presence of wild animals like tigers, bears, and monkeys in the surrounding woods. Fortunately, I spotted a group of monkeys jumping in the treetops.

After three days of trekking, I finally reached the base camp. Though some fellow trekkers had succumbed to altitude sickness, I had only a mild headache, confident it would dissipate once at the base camp. Thankfully, it did. At the base camp, my tent and sleeping bag shielded me from the cold nights. I connected with a German named Oskar, who joined me in filming and photographing my biking adventure. With dwindling funds, Oskar generously lent me money, and we traveled together for another week.

Returning to civilization, we rode around Pokhara's streets, captivating locals who had never seen a trials bike before. Our evenings were spent exploring the city, indulging in inexpensive yet delicious food and drinks. We were even invited to a local girl's arranged wedding, a cultural insight into Nepali traditions, although I couldn't attend due to my flight back to Norway coinciding with the event.

Despite a relatively smooth return to Norway, I encountered some minor theft from my checked-in backpack at the airport, casting a shadow over an otherwise remarkable journey.


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