Fixer in Nepal | Film Fix

 Since 2017, Lalitpur Film Society has been bridging the gap in quality screenings with 28 weekly free shows, and they're set for the next 10 months. They diverge from big-budget Bollywood or Hollywood glamour, favoring low-budget, high-quality documentaries and films made by passionate creators. Their focus? Tackling the themes and issues these films explore while fostering a diverse community united by their love for cinema.

Despite Nepal's rich documentary culture and film festivals, like Nepal Human Rights International Film Festival and Film South Asia, Lalitpur Film Society saw a need for consistent offerings. Their screenings attract expats predominantly, but Thapa aims for more Nepali attendees, especially aspiring local filmmakers seeking inspiration and a platform.

Fixer in Nepal

Creating a community hub, the society hosts discussions and debates, drawing returning audiences. While their film choices often lean towards ethnography and anthropology, they remain open to suggestions, aiming to engage committed individuals. Their journey began with skepticism, starting with a 1929 Soviet film, 'Man with a Movie Camera.' Contrary to expectations, attendance soared, averaging 25 viewers and sometimes reaching 55.

Their eclectic screenings include intriguing North Korean films, sparking discussions even with representatives from the North Korean embassy—an event remembered for weeks. Initially at The South Asia Institute, screenings shifted to Marshall’s Pub in Kupundole Heights due to erratic monsoon conditions in August.

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