Video Production in Nepal | Small group that aims big for Nepal’s video industry

 In a Kathmandu apartment, Darshan Pokharel, Prasanna Bajracharya, and Sushil Sapkota, together with their team, are deeply engrossed in crafting a music video. Joining them is Chirag Singh Khadka, widely known as 5:55, among Nepal’s most celebrated rappers.

The hours are late, having filmed through the night. Their project revolves around the theme of hallucinations induced by 'magic mushrooms,' an unconventional concept for Nepali music videos. Determined to execute it flawlessly, they dedicate themselves tirelessly. Once the filming wraps up, they retreat to their studio, diving into the animation phase led by Rasik Shrestha and his team.

Video Production in Nepal

Their concerted effort culminates in the completion and subsequent release of the video through Khadka’s channel, amassing a staggering 3.3 million views. Darshan Pokharel, the visionary behind, articulates their vision: "We aim for uniqueness, to transcend stereotypes, and catalyze change within the industry...because individuals like us often don't receive the recognition we merit."

Through, Pokharel and his team aspire to forge a diverse artistic community, uniting individuals from varied backgrounds to generate content that could potentially place Nepal prominently on the global stage. Their goal is to foster a space where artists learn from each other, safeguarding against exploitation and deception in their pursuits.


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