Photography | China Photography Art Festival kicks off


The 14th China Photography Art Festival has been unveiled in Sanmenxia, Central China's Henan Province.

Themed "Sailing in new era and reaching for splendor," the exhibition will showcase a string of photos with topics in social life and winter sports, creating a visual feast for the visitors.

This exhibition is not only an event for the photographers to share the development achievements of the photography industry, but also to appreciate the profound historical and cultural heritage of Sanmenxia.

The exhibition focuses on the achievements of ­Chinese photography creation in recent years. Nearly 20 units of different works are distributed inside the Sanmen­xia International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Visitors will have a chance to immerse themselves into the exhibiting hall decorated with high-tech lighting show.

The festival will also hold seminars by inviting ­photographers to share their ­experience. 

Beijing College Student Dance Festival has come to an end recently with over 2,700 students from 57 colleges attended. 

The 2023 festival encouraged teachers and students to create original works, where a large number of original plays emerged during the festival, accounting for 68 percent of the total, showing the creativity and enthusiasm of college students.

The festival also had a clear and prominent theme in 2023: There are not only national cultural themes that promote China's excellent traditional culture and inherit intangible cultural heritage, but also the ones that reflect campus culture and student characteristics, showing the youthful vigor of college students.

In addition to the dance performances, a series of seminars and workshops were also held covering the basic skills training and technical skills of multiple dance types.




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