Photography | Dolphins, tigers and turtles in focus


Nature inFocus describes itself as "a photo-led exploration into India's wilderness - a definitive platform for sharing stories and photography that enables relevant knowledge-sharing and curation for everything nature." Its competition received 24,000 images from more than 1,500 entrants.

Winners are chosen in the categories of Animal Behaviour, Animal Portraits, Conservation Focus, Creative Nature Photography, Wildscape & Animals in Their Habitat and Photographer of the Year - Portfolio.

Avinash PC triumphed for this shot of an ant and some honeydew-secreting aphids in Kannur, Kerala, India. A special mention went to Spanish photographer, Merche Llobera, for this image of a pod of spinner dolphins in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, near Costa Rica.

Brown Boobys spend a significant portion of their lives in the open ocean. Suliman Alatiqi captured this individual dipping its head underwater at short intervals, and got in position to capture a close-up portrait of the bird from the perspective of its prey. 




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