Filming in Nepal | Pasang Lhamu Sherpa, the film

The unsung heroes of Himalayan peaks, Sherpa high altitude guides, have long remained nameless and in the shadows despite enduring the most perilous mountain routes, a tragic truth highlighted by the recent loss of three guides on the Khumbu Icefall. This tale of neglect isn't new; it echoes back to 1990 when Pasang Lhamu Sherpa's Everest climb was thwarted by a French expedition leader's fear of her outshining his team. In the captivating documentary "Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest," director Nancy Svendsen recounts Pasang Lhamu's determined journey to overcome gender and cultural barriers, striving to become the first Nepali woman to conquer Mt. Everest. 

Filming in Nepal

Svendsen, touched by Pasang's story, spent a decade piecing together her life using scant archival footage, family videos, and photographs. Pasang's climb was far from just a mountaineering feat. Born in a deprived farming family, she battled societal norms, seeking to elevate the status of Nepali women in a male-dominated society. Her quest for equality clashed with political powers, Western mountaineers, and a patriarchal culture. The film exposes Pasang's struggles against these forces while showcasing her indomitable spirit. The documentary not only sheds light on Pasang Lhamu's journey but also addresses controversies surrounding her final expedition. The challenges she faced as a woman, Sherpa, and Nepali led to fatal decisions during her fourth Everest mission in 1993. Despite its tragic end, Pasang's legacy continues to inspire a generation of Nepali women mountaineers. 

Winner of multiple international film awards, "Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest" commemorates Pasang Lhamu's legacy while highlighting the plight of Sherpas often sidelined in mountaineering narratives. The Nepali version will be publicly screened from April 28, reaching 15 locations in Kosi and Madhes provinces, gathering donations for charity. At the premiere, attendees, including House Speaker Dev Raj Ghimire and ophthalmologist Sanduk Ruit, expressed hope for the documentary to inspire Nepali women to aim high and conquer their personal summits.

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